Course curriculum for High School Students

$39.99/student: Digital training plus engaging academic exercises

    1. Welcome

    2. Boy who harnessed the Wind [If my life were a movie]

    1. Welcome to AWARENESS: ACTS Framework

    2. STEM as an Expanded Definition: SEEQ

    3. STREAM connects to Curiosity/Gift || Where do I fit

    4. Ready to Become a MILLIONAIRE?? The economics & Earnings in STEM

    1. Types of Learners || Becoming SMART

    2. Core STEM Skills - Finding your Place in STEM

    3. Generalist vs Specialist: Types of Learners

    4. Periodic Table is EVERYTHING you have ever seen

    5. Expanded Examples of Intelligence

    1. AWARENESS ACTIVITY: Imitation movie

    2. AWARENESS ACTIVITY: Become an Cruciverbalist

    3. AWARENESS ACTIVITY: Life of a King Movie

    4. AWARENESS ACTIVITY: Proud of your puzzle: Get paid for it

    5. COGNITION ACTIVITY: STEM Job Flash Cards - EASY round

    6. COGNITION ACTIVITY: Extraordinary Measures Movie

    7. COGNITIVE ACTIVITY: Ben Carson Life Story (He was failing every class)

    8. Expanded STEM Jobs you may enjoy

    9. INTENTIONALLY BLANK: Assessments

    1. Can your brain can be RE-wired to succeed academically

    2. MINDFULNESS: The Earthing movie

    1. Review question

Price Per School. Parents contact your child's school for access

  • $12,499.99
  • 28 lessons
  • 20-hours: Hybrid of Training & STEM academic activites
  • Pre & Post Assessments for Up to 250 Students


  • THE A.C.T.S. framework

    Using our signature A.C.T.S. framework, we teach STEM Literacy focused on Awareness, Cognition, Tools and Support.

  • Become STEM Literate

    Through research, fun and games, students will learn about over 150 STEM jobs. At the end of our program, students can respond to "What do you want to be when you grow up?" with a STEM field.

  • Finding your STEM field

    Everything that interacts with our senses in the world has a STEM aligned field. It's only natural that any topic a student is interested in can be found in STEM including Art, Religion and Business.

  • Make a Difference in STEM

    Most students choose their careers by High School. By 2030, the worldwide demand for STEM workers is 85-million workers and 29-million in the U.S. For the students uncertain about a career path, let's discuss STEM

  • Entire School Program

    Our STEM program takes a community approach to addressing the STEM Gap. Our programs are designed for Students, in this case High School students, Parents and Educators. We've all heard it takes a village. Let's ACT on it!!!

Discover your potential, starting today